2 meter hand-woven carpet made of Baloch wool


2 meter hand-woven carpet made of Baloch wool


With the exact size of 202×105

The beginning of carpet weaving in Sistan dates back to 2,000 years ago, when the Scythians migrated from Siberia and settled in the fertile plains of Sistan, engaged in agriculture and kept their weaving.

In the writings of the early Islamic period, Sistan had the best silk and wool weaves, and the fame of Sistan weaves at the beginning of the Islamic period shows the long and brilliant history of carpet weaving in the region.

When the Scythians migrated to Sistan, they also transferred the art of carpet weaving to this country and inherited some of its beauty, which their next generations have preserved and handed down from generation to generation.

The Sistani people use natural dyes for carpet weaving, which they try to prepare by themselves, and they also prepare the required warp and weft from the wool of their sheep.

Sistan carpet designs have been mentally transferred from one generation to another generation without having a designer or painter, and Sistani carpet weavers used horizontal dars due to their sedentary life, but now their dars have changed to vertical ones. With the arrival of the Scythians to Sistan A great transformation took place in this area

The least we can say today is that the findings of the Sistan region were influenced by the art of the Scythians, because this people wove carpets and produced felt in the fifth century BC.

The ancient weaving of Sistan has been due to the effort and cheerful spirit of Sistan women

In the Avesta, Sistan is mentioned as the eleventh land created by Ahura Mazda. The carpet weaving industry of this region has unique characteristics. The history of carpet weaving in this region goes back to very distant times.

It is necessary to emphasize that all Baloch carpets should not be attributed to Khorasan region. A number of Baloch tribes who live in Afghanistan have been weaving carpets for many years, and the title of Baluchistan, which was wrongly placed on these carpets during buying and selling, It applies only to a part of short and flat pile carpets and a small number of pile carpets.






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